
Shaina builds communities that bridge her classroom to the industry, as well as creating organizations for underrepresented professionals. These groups provide spaces for communication, collaboration, and mentorship within the post production industry, fostering professional and creative development.

mentorship organizations

Syracuse University Post (SUP!) & Park Post

Leader, Facilitator, & Founder @ Syracuse University and Ithaca College

Shaina created two connected post production focused organizations where members collaborate on projects, build networks, gain knowledge and confidence in an area of focus, and partake in the mentorship program. We host professional development workshops specific to entering the post production industry, invite guest professionals, explore topics of diversity and equality as related to the field, and work on projects together to advance our skills and creativity.

women in film organizations

Women in VFX

Board Member, Virtual Events, & Mentor

This is a global professional organization for women in visual effects to collaborate and find others like them around the world. Often, women in technology-driven industries find themselves being the only one at their company. WVFX enables these women to make connections throughout the world and discuss mentorship, self-confidence, maternity leave, mental health, and more workplace topics. I facilitate and moderate global virtual events for our community.

immersion programs

World War II Foundation
International Documentaries

Sundance Film Festival
Ignite Program

Los Angeles & NYC
Industry Trips

service to Newhouse

TRF Production Track Chair &
Curriculum Development

Assessment, Curriculum, Academic Resources, & New Faculty Search Committees

As head of the Production Track, Shaina has developed and regularized new courses; updated the camera, lighting, and audio gear; created new spaces dedicated to advanced post production workflows; and identified course collaboration and co-teaching opportunities; and proposed a new Production Track curriculum, which has been implemented as of Fall 2022.

Shaina currently serves on the Newhouse Curriculum committee and both TRF & VIS Faculty Search committees. Previously, she has served on the Academic Standards committee and Tenure-Promotion Guidelines committee.