industry trips
nyc & la
Shaina has utilized her industry reputation and network to run a series of immersion industry-focused trips to NYC and Los Angeles, as well as virtual alternatives to these experiences during the pandemic. These trips include curated networking events, visits to studios and production companies, and moderated panels of guest speakers from around the globe for the students to make connections with industry professionals working in the field.
Students have visited or spoken to employees from numerous companies including:
Picture Shop
Sony Pictures Animation
Company 3
Harbor Picture Company
Light Iron
Nice Shoes
Project X/AV
Dreamworks Animation
These trips are not only educational for the students but also give them an opportunity for real-world networking so that they can make connections with industry professionals who may be valuable resources in the future. Shaina also curates the destinations and people involved in these trips based on the specific interests of individuals so that everyone can learn more about the work they’re most interested in. Many participants in these immersion trips end up being hired by companies that they first connected with through this experience.
student testimonials
The TRF masters students provide insight for future cohorts trying to decide which immersion trip to attend: