advanced production capstone

This Capstone is for filmmakers interested in showcasing advanced creative editing skills by integrating color grading, sound design, visual effects, animation, and motion graphics into their work.

Working in small groups or as individuals, students in this course will develop a production-oriented project to complete over the course of the semester.

Students are strongly encouraged to enter the course with a project in mind so that production can begin early, allowing for the majority of the semester to focus on post production practices.


The advanced production capstone is a concluding achievement, in the form of a creative project, that positions students to master particular skills or integrate and synthesize accumulated knowledge from their particular college experience for public viewing. The basic objective of the capstone project is to concretely connect studies with long term, post-graduation aspirations.

There are many forms the capstone can take, but some typical examples are music videos, short film, episodic pilot, commercials, and explainer videos. The length and quantity of projects depends on many factors and each student works with the instructor one-on-one to determine their individual contributions, goals and outcomes.

For this capstone, each student incorporates the needs of post production during the pre-production and production stages. To successfully complete this course, students demonstrate professional level competency in various post production roles, in addition to taking on a major role during the development and production stages.

If a student enters the course without experience in the role they desire to take on, the instructor works with this student one-on-one to accelerate their growth in the course. Each student is also required to present on a post production topic or technique of their choosing that they want to explore further.

Although this course is highly technical, it is ultimately focused on effectively enhancing storytelling abilities by inventing a new visual language not achievable through just the camera’s lens. Whether collaborating on team projects or working independently, the goal of each student is to discover their unique voice as an artist while pushing their creative and technical skills to tell stories they are passionate about.

Additionally, each project develops an action plan for exhibition outside of the Syracuse University environment, whether it be entering specific festivals, workshops, grants, and/or utilizing this as a proof-of-concept to develop into a long-form project.

(3 credits) – TRF 464/664 (Spring Only with Prof Holmes)

Prerequisite: TRF 441 or permission from instructor